The N54 Port Injection Conversion Kit (PICK for short) is a combination of products and software that have been carefully developed by Nexsys Motorsport. While the N54 platform is relatively easy to make good power on, it struggles with reliability and expensive repair costs normally associated with the high pressure fuel delivery system. The piezo direct injectors that the N54 engine utilizes are unfortunately very unreliable (BMW has gone through 12 different revisions) and extremely expensive. At the time of this writing a new set of index 12 injectors costs $2759. The second weakness in the fuel delivery system is the High Pressure Fuel Pump (HPFP) which is a swash plate piston design that commonly fails and is limited in flow rate for high power applications (especially when ethanol is involved). At the time of this writing a new BMW HPFP is $1051.

The costs of parts alone makes it hard to justify replacing these components in vehicles that now bluebook for as low as $5000. That’s where our Port Injection Conversion Kit comes in. This kit allows users to remove direct injection entirely from their N54 powered vehicle and replace it with port injection.

Benefits of Port Injection over Piezo Direct Injection

  • Cheaper to repair and maintain.

  • Many different options available for increased injector flow rates.

  • Increased useable injection window.

  • Intake valves are cleaned by fuel passing over them. No more walnut blasting required.

  • Ability to remove all direct injection components from the engine.

    • Weight reduction.

    • Reduced parasitic losses.

    • Reduced engine noise.

    • Reduced engine compartment clutter.

Components Required for basic Port Injection Conversion

Additional recommended components for high performance applications

This product is intended for off-road vehicle usage only. Not for road vehicles.