Flashing The Vehicle

Flashing The Vehicle

All vehicle flashing and datalogging for our N54 DI Delete kit MUST be done with the MHD Tuning F/G Series app. The reason for this is that MHD is working towards consolidating the N54 & F/G Series app into a single app with the older N54 app becoming legacy in the near future.

The initial flash will take 8-13 minutes, we highly recommend having a battery charger on the vehicle while performing the initial flash.

After the flash has completed reset the lambda regulation adaptations using the MHD app.

Initial engine startup may take substantially longer as air needs to be purged from the fuel lines, fuel rail and injectors. It is also not uncommon to see smoke out of the exhaust for the first 10-15 minutes after the initial startup. This smoke is caused by oil and carbon on the intake valves being washed into the cylinder.